5 Things To Do to recover from receding hairline


There is no denying the fact that once we reach mid-thirties, our hair slowly start falling out and getting thinner in volume; this receding hairline effect is even more pronounced in men than women. As we all get older, the rate of hair regeneration slows down.

If you have started losing more hair than normal, it might be a symptom of another underlying problem. Make sure to follow the five basic things , if you are facing trouble from receding hairline.

Hormonal problems, like hyperthyroidism for example, can lead to too much active hair follicles resulting in excessive loss of hair.

To fix a receding hairline, one can opt for several treatment options that range from a hair transplant to mere changing your hairstyle.

However, when the hair follicles on the scalp are damaged due to any reason, the hair doesn’t grow back resulting in a receding hairline.

In addition, if you have thinning or balding patches in your scalp then it will also make your hair look thinner and cause your forehead to look higher than normal.


Hair loss is a common problem for both men and women. For some people, hair loss is a natural part of getting older. Other times, it can be caused by an underlying medical condition.

Receding hairlines can affect almost anyone, and are usually caused by damage to hair follicles or an imbalance in hormone levels.

Hair loss can be caused by many factors including:

Heredity (you inherit this from your parents)

Age-related hormonal changes (this may lead to an imbalance in male hormones called androgens)

Stress (stress affects the body’s hormone levels)

Certain medications or supplements

5 Step Solution for Receding hairline

1. Visit Dermatologist

Doctors can check the scalp, take the medical history and do the necessary tests to identify androgenetic alopecia and find out the exact cause if relevant. Early treatment can cause a reversal of hair loss as well as long-term improvement in the hairline.

receding hairline

Minoxidil is a topical treatment that is often used to slow down hair loss and even help regrow hair in persons suffering from male pattern baldness. It enhances the hair follicles’ growth period.

Minoxidil does not inhibit dihydrotestosterone (DHT), but it does create an ideal environment for hair follicles to grow thicker and faster.

2. Boost scalp circulation with essential and carrier oils

There is no question that scalp circulation is important for healthy hair. A low scalp circulation can lead to hair loss, dandruff, and other scalp problems. Essential and carrier oils are great way to improve scalp circulation.

receding hairline

Oils are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients help to improve scalp circulation and promote hair growth.

To use essential and carrier oils for boosting scalp circulation, apply a few drops to your hair before bed. Massage the oil into your scalp and allow it to work its magic.

My Personal Suggestion: Yeka 100% Natural Herbal Hair Oil for Growth

  • Intense Repair Therapy for hair follicles in PATCH AREAS.
  • It prevents premature greying
  • Intense nourishment for frizzy hair
  • Treats Severe hair related infections.


3. Avoid Styling Products

Heat styling products, such as heat tools and hair dryers, can damage hair if used improperly. When using a heat styling product, always use a heat protectant and ensure that the hair is thoroughly dry before styling. Heat styling products can also cause hair to become dry, brittle, and frizzy.

No heat styling products for receding hairline

4. Intake Protein Rich Foods

Protein rich foods are great for hair growth. A study published in the “Journal of Medicinal Food” found that consuming protein rich meals helped to increase hair growth in women.

The study participants were divided into two groups, one of which ate a high-protein diet while the other consumed a balanced diet.

The high-protein diet group experienced an increase in hair growth, while the balanced diet group did not. The study participants who ate the high-protein diet experienced an increase in hair density.

Protein is a key component of hair growth. It helps to build new hair follicles and speeds up hair growth

Protein rich food for receding hairline
  1. Salmon
  2. Eggs
  3. Peanut Butter
  4. Chia Seeds
  5. Avocado
  6. Flaxseeds
  7. Sweet Potatoes
  8. Chickpeas

5. Yoga

Yoga has been shown to be very beneficial in reducing receding hairline. Asanas that involve stretching and bending the spine help to lengthen the hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Additionally, the deep breathing exercises help to clear the mind and promote a sense of well-being.

There are many yoga asanas that can promote hair growth. Some of the most popular asanas for hair growth include the Child’s pose, the Plank pose, the Cat-Cow pose, and the Bridge pose.

Yoga for receding hairline

The Child’s pose is a yoga asana that will stretch the spine and open up the chest and shoulders. This pose is beneficial for increasing circulation and promoting hair growth.

The Plank pose is a yoga asana that is great for strengthening the core and the legs. This pose can help to promote hair growth by increasing blood flow and stimulating the scalp.

Cat-cow stretch can help you improve your posture. When you do this stretch, you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll also reduce your risk of developing neck and back pain.

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